Welcome! πŸ‘‹ Here is a quick summary about Islem

I was born and grew up in Setif, a city in Algeria (the biggest country in North Africa).

When I was 12 years old, my uncle introduced me to computers. It was a great day, and I couldnβ€˜t stop playing those awesome 2D games πŸ‘Ύ.

As I grew up, I became more and more attracted to computers and fascinated by how they work and programming. And yes, you guessed it right! I started doing game development and specifically learning C++ for it πŸ˜….

And the journey continues, revealing more precious adventures as time passes...

Islem Maboud

Know more about Me

I go to the gym very often. 5 Days a week 😁

I have been doing this since 2018 and counting. It's my therapy

I never had alcohol in my life, and I’m proud of it

It’s my religion πŸ•Œ No alcohol is allowed! I would just have a Starbucks or a cold cocktail juice. Thanks!

I like building creative things that shines

If you have been following my Youtube channel you would know I’m a big fan of exploring new ideas πŸ’‘

I’m a huge open source lover

I like sharing and collaborating on awesome open-source projects. In fact, any website/app I build and put it on my GitHub 😎

I enjoy Digital nomad-ing around the world

Since the remote work era started. I was excited to start my journey as a digital nomad.

A big fan of games. I play whenever I get the chance

Competitive gaming to teaming up with friends and story games. It’s relieving after a long day of πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

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